Your Productivity Personality Is...

Controlled Minimalist​

You work well in a minimal environment, the less you have to see the faster you work. You boil things down to only what you need and having a singular focus guides each step you take.

But That's Not All The Story...

As a controlled minimalist – you've got a grasp of your systems; or you're in the process of developing what works! However there are other aspects of your profile that affect the way you work! Refer back to your profile breakdown, and you'll see your top three!

Look at your secondary profiles, and read below! 🙂


Here's how I know...

You are incredibly focused in your business! Your systems are hyper focused and are directed in a certain way of working (your way 😉). If you're early in your business it means that being too scattered causes frustration, so reducing the inputs allow you to do your best work! If you're more established, you know you're niche, you know what you're doing and nothing can distract you from that!


What I Recommend

I won't tell you how to fix your system right here, because effective systems are individualised extensions of your self and your business. But I can give you some tips that tend to work for business owners with similar traits! 🙂

So now what?

Resources For The Way You Work as a Continual Optimiser...

Inertia vs Executive Dysfunction

As an autistic business owner, I've struggled with the inertia that comes with starting and finishing tasks. The concept of “executive dysfunction” never sat well with me, as it felt negative and worked against my philosophy. Instead, I prefer to work with my inertia, finding tools and strategies that help me get started and finish projects. One of those tools was Notion, which initially helped me understand how I work. I recently came across the idea of “autistic inertia” and “monotropism” which resonated with me, as it focuses on momentum carrying our thoughts forward. In this article, I discuss my journey with inertia, productivity tools, and how I navigate the challenges of running a business with these insights.

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Redefining Systems

I often talk about systems when I meet with different people. It is a popular topic among business owners who want to scale. But what

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Simplicity isn't Static

Yesterday, I spoke about redefining simplicity about how simplicity isn't about less or more. It's about finding enough in the context you're in. A lot

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Got An Impossible Problem?