Get Shit Done, Simply.

Develop your ability to get what you want from your business and life.

We all know that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to productivity or business?

So why do we keep talking like there is?

Most coaches and consultants talk about what or how to do it. They give you step-by-step guides. “Do these things to get this result”. Easy.

Except then when you do it… it doesn’t really work, or it doesn’t feel like you. Didn’t you do it correctly?

The way they talk makes you believe there is a “correct” way of doing it; a single option that fixes everything…

Very few talk about the behind the scenes, the “fuck around and find out” moments while these pieces are the secrets to  running a successful business (however defined by you). (They’re just assumed to be not as easy to sell…)

This… is what I support you in.

I help you simplify the process of taking action, no matter what you’re facing, so you can move towards your goals and desires, achieving the business and life you want.

Simplification over doing less.

Hi, I'm Em!

Everyone talks about Simplicity as the WAY to do things. If you do less things, you think about less things, and therefore you can use your time more effectively. But doing less things doesn’t always feel like an option, and sometimes it doesn’t need to be an option. 

Simplicity isn’t the thing you need to do first, it’s the result of knowing how you work.

You can have multiple projects and still plan other things you’re excited about!!

I help over-thinkers like you actually do shit without making you feel bad about all your projects and ideas.

I run a business, whilst running 6 D&D campaigns, looking after two disabled children (with my partner who works full time), and I’m always wanting to do more. 

By designing more effective practices that resonates with you together we’ll focus on taking action on the things you care about.

How I Help...

You Aren't Broken

Most of the advice on getting things done is based on the need to fix your brain. The assumption is the information we get from our brain is flawed and needs "processing".

We’ve zoomed in too far…

The traditional approaches focus a lot on the brain, we’re missing context; your body, energy and environment just to name a few.

Interesting but...

Humans Are Systems

Systems aren't step-by-step guides that you can just follow. They're a series of opportunities you can choose from, which can feel overwhelming when you start.

Effective systems are chaotic

It feels counter-intuitive, but a system works without a script! You’ll be free to go in a direction without instructions getting in the way! 

Yeah but...

It Starts with You.

We aren't computers... It's time to treat ourselves as human!
AI will spend a long time trying to replicate our own individual knowledge and experience, and probably fail!

We’re screwed otherwise.

If we believe we process like an AI, we’ve lost. We’re not computers, we’re not AI, we’re humans so we should learn like humans.

That's cool but...